The average house price on KINGS FARM CLOSE is £536,411
The most expensive house in the street is 9 KINGS FARM CLOSE with an estimated value of £756,910
The cheapest house in the street is 14 KINGS FARM CLOSE with an estimated value of £336,404
The house which was most recently sold was 10 KINGS FARM CLOSE, this sold on 7 Mar 2022 for £595,000
The postcode for KINGS FARM CLOSE is SN7 7US
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
5 KINGS FARM CLOSE Detached £619,958 £545,000 16 Apr 2021
9 KINGS FARM CLOSE Detached £756,910 £675,000 12 Mar 2021
10 KINGS FARM CLOSE Detached £621,140 £595,000 7 Mar 2022
11 KINGS FARM CLOSE Detached £718,647 £662,000 7 Sep 2021
12 KINGS FARM CLOSE Semi-Detached £346,863 £300,000 11 Dec 2020
14 KINGS FARM CLOSE Semi-Detached £336,404 £300,000 19 Mar 2021
16 KINGS FARM CLOSE Semi-Detached £354,956 £307,000 2 Dec 2020